Uniform Orders

Please add the appropriate uniform pieces to the cart for your player.

Girls Varsity White Tank$43
Girls Varsity Navy Tank $43
Girls JV Navy Tank $49
Girls Red Long Sleeve$39
Girls White Shorts$33
Girls Navy Quarter Zip$68
Unisex Navy Hoodie$56
Boys Varsity Red Short Sleeve$52
Boys JV Red Short Sleeve$37
Boys Varsity White Short Sleeve$52
Boys JV White Short Sleeve$37
Boys Red Long Sleeve$39
Boys Navy Shorts$38
Boys Grey Shorts$25

The appropriate fees will show in the cart below. Click on the PayPal or Credit Card button to make payment. Please enter the player’s name whose uniform you are purchasing before checking out. Thank you!

If you are having any problems with paying the dues on this page, please contact the MHS Tennis Booster Board HERE.